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6 May 2022

Be active in positive change

“We know that creative communities contribute to collective wellbeing. We want to clearly understand how that works throughout the Waikato Region, so we can better support future aspirations and positive impact for all people in the Waikato”
– Dr. Jeremy Mayall, CEO

There’s a brand new way to measure the impact arts, culture and creativity have on wellbeing in the Waikato, and it’s live and ready for opinions on the topic, thanks to Creative Waikato, Huber Social, and a range of local arts organisations.

No matter your involvement in the arts – big – small – not at all – The Huber Social Survey wants your voice to be included in this original research that builds to shape the future of the Waikato region.

Recognising that engagement with arts, culture and creativity play a vital role in a thriving society and touch all facets of society and community, Huber Social, commissioned by Creative Waikato, are leading a social impact investigation into the Impact of Arts, Culture and Creativity on our regions’ Wellbeing.

The icing – survey completers will go in the draw to win one of 3x $100 prezzy cards – you can do SO much creating with $100.

Be heard and be active in positive community change – gather your whānau, friends, followers and acquaintances, and anonymously fill out the survey.

Art is a massive part of why a society thrives and has a huge impact on both individual and community wellbeing. Here at Creative Waikato, our mission is to create and sustain a healthy and flourishing arts, cultural and creative sector that benefits everyone.

Complete Survey Here

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ here.

For this survey we are also working with Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, Hamilton Arts Trust, Hamilton Operatic Society, Creative Coromandel I He Mana Toi Moehau Trust, Orchestras Central Trust, The Meteor Theatre, Riverlea Theatre, Toi Ako Te Kauwhata, Te Ohu Whakaita, Waikato Society of Arts, RAMP Gallery, Clarence St Theatre.

Note: You may receive an invitation to participate in this project from more than one channel. You only need to complete the survey once.

“Humans are storytellers. We can tell powerful stories to enable positive change by having the insights into what impact our mahi is having on the wellbeing of our communities. This is an important component of strengthening the broader understanding of the value of arts, culture and creativity in our region.

We want to support the Waikato Region to thrive with diverse and transformative creative activity, and it is through projects like this that we can advocate for the wellbeing of our sector and our community”
– Dr. Jeremy Mayall, CEO