Five years on from the first Boon Street Art Festival in 2015, Boon is taking their creativity off Hamilton walls and onto the pavement.
On Saturday 3 August, Boon After Dark will launch a temporary light sculpture installation in Garden Place for the public to interact with over the next four months.
Boon Trustee, Nancy Caiger, says this project is part of Boon’s vision to bring the streets of Hamilton alive with art.
“We want to help people engage with art throughout their ordinary lives. Our vision is ‘art everywhere, everyday’ and having sculptures in Garden Place is a significant way we can achieve this,” says Caiger.
“To bring Boon After Dark alive we have engaged with art collective Hybycozo, to bring in a large-scale installation featuring intricately designed stainless steel pieces.”
The four sculptures to be featured in Garden Place explore geometric shapes by playing with light, shadow and perception.
“The installation will look beautiful during the day and spectacular by night,” says Caiger.
Caiger is hopeful other Waikato creatives will get involved with using the installation alongside other events in Garden Place.
Boon After Dark will first flick on the switch to light up the sculptures at the launch event on Saturday 3 August, 5:30pm in Garden Place Hamilton