Creative Acts of Kindness is a brand new project commissioning local artists to celebrate kindness using their arts practise, and presenting these works in final form as either: A 90 Second Video, or a Digital Poster.
We have a total of 40 paid opportunities from $500-$1000 for both emerging & established Waikato artists to create mahi under this project – and proposal submissions are open now until 18th July.
Emerging as a response to online negativity, Creative Acts of Kindness aims to flood the digital space with diverse examples of kindness. Prompting the general public to consider how they interact with kindness and how they can better imbed kindness into their community, whānau, friendships and mahi, using accessible and achievable daily actions.
Through the lens of your arts practice – What does kindness mean and look like to you? Individually. Culturally. Socially. How do you interpret kindness and how does kindness show up in your life?
However you create – dance, song, spoken word, visual or moving images, collage, photography, design, drama, movement & more – create an act of kindness and capture it digitally as either:
But don’t make it yet!
At this stage, we are accepting proposals only, and submitting works already completed under this brief will not be commissioned. Once you’ve mapped out what you want to create, submit your proposal by clicking right here or on the button at the bottom of the page.
Creative Acts of Kindness seeks a wealth of perspectives and a vast range of expressions that showcase diverse talents from all corners of the mighty Waikato region.
Are you:
Can you:
Make your mahi in a two week deadline
If the answer is yes across the board, get those kind ideas cooking and submit before 18th July.
All submissions will be considered by a panel of judges, and commissions will aim to be sent out with rate, deadline, and any additional information from the 22nd July.
Final works will launch for public viewing across the digital space in late August, and will be housed on a dedicated webpage at
Follow @creativewaikato on social media for updates and announcements, and stay kind out there.
Want to help us get the word out? Here’s a bag of digital goodies you can distribute to all your humans.