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19 Aug 2024

The Artist as Community Worker

Nā Leafa Wilson
Hōngongoi 2024


So, you’ve been an artist, musician, actor, writer, kapa haka leader… for a long time. 

You’ve loved your long and interesting career, and at some stage, you might feel compelled to enable others to experience the joy of creativity. While this desire to extend this knowledge to others is tino rawe! The questions arise:  How do I go about this? Share with whom? Who will fund this undertaking? 

Well, we – Creative Waikato are here for this! We are launching our latest in the ‘handbook series’ – Working With Community in Aotearoa: An Artist’s Handbook. This publication has been developed just for artists who’ve been itching to offer their expertise to people in the community to make a real difference through the arts, an aid to prepare artists to work with people in Aotearoa’s diverse hāpori (communities).  

It is an exhaustive guide, fattened up with information about almost everything you might have to consider while working with communities. Its contents are made even more palatable because it is informed by four tuakana (seasoned experts) community workers and advocates. Their hard-earned experiences are condensed down to brilliant chunks of wisdom to assist arts practitioners of every kind to develop into safe and confident arts activators/ community arts kaiako.

The mauri or life force that fires all the arts and creativity is ultimately for sharing with others. Whether intended for the public or one’s enjoyment. 

This handbook can be a guide to assist you in starting little (or large) creative fires in your community. Empowering people with toi / creativity and capability helps to sustain the lifeforce of individuals, marae, towns, and cities. 

Mahia te mahi, hei painga moo te iwi – Work for the betterment of the people 

Princess Te Kiriheihei Te Puea Herangi
 (b. 1883  d. 1952)
Use of this tongikura with permission of the Office Of Kiingi Tuuheitia

We know that people are at the heart of our communities. Connecting creative activity with diverse communities is a powerful way to make a positive impact. So whether you are an established creative looking to give back, or someone at the start of their artistic journey who is passionate about connecting with the community – this handbook is a useful guide on that important journey. Creatives, artists, tinkerers, musicians, theatre makers and more – it is your creative energy that can breathe life into spaces and places, and make our lives vibrant. This is an important part of thriving communities. 

It’s important that we do this, and we know how to do it with care, compassion and understanding. 

So grab a cuppa and dive in. Dip in and out. Share it with your friends and family.  Use it as a way to take your community connected mahi to the next level.

Download yours below:

We’re here if you want to talk more about community creativity and art making, email us: hello@creativewaikato.co.nz